Thank you for your financial contributions to the Foundation. Your gifts make many programs, activities, and resources possible at the Stillwater Public Library. As a donor, you have early access to purchase your Light A Spark tickets below. Tickets will go on sale to the general public on June 8.
This year’s Light A Spark evening will include a selfie photo booth, activities for the kids, Brodini the Magician, cash bar, light snacks and a first chance to bid on hand-crafted book holders that incorporate the historic, original roof tiles from the library!
Doors will open at 7:30 PM. Reserved parking will be available close to the library.
Sponsorships by individuals and local businesses help make Light A Spark – and the library – a success! Please consider signing on as a sponsor. Additional sponsorship information is available by contacting Drew Arnold at
Light A Spark is a signature event, raising needed funds for the Stillwater Public Library. Your support makes services, materials & programs available to the Stillwater community. Please consider a sponsorship to this year's event.
Company logo or name listed on Foundation and Library websites and in social media
Sponsorship level signage at the event and in the library
8 entry tickets and up to 4 reserved parking spaces
Company logo or name listed on Foundation and Library websites & in social media posts
Sponsorship level signage at the event & in the library
6 entry tickets and up to 3 reserved parking spaces
Company logo or name listed on Foundation and Library websites and in social media
Sponsorship level signage at the event and in the library
4 tickets and up to 2 reserved parking spaces
Company logo listed on Foundation and Library websites and in social media
Sponsorship level signage at the event & in the library
2 tickets and 1 reserved parking space
Thank you for supporting the Stillwater Public Library Foundation. Please click on the boxes below to sign up for sponsorship. You may submit payment by credit card here, or mail a check to SPLF, 224 3rd Street North, Stillwater, MN 55082. If mailing a check, please include this Check Submittal Form, indicating your recogntion preference, thank you.