"Yes, I am Willing to Serve..."

“Serving on the Stillwater Public Library Board of Trustees is so much more than attending meetings and approving policies. When I joined the board in 2018, little did I know I would be launching into a volunteer job where I would get to review bids for structural analyses, meet with legislative representatives, or enlist the help of a local garden club.

Though the board is responsible for policy making, budgeting, advocacy, supervision of the library director, capital planning, and ensuring intellectual freedom, we trustees weigh in on a myriad of issues in our committee work.

During my tenure on the board, I have served on the Facilities Committee which has led to working on some very interesting projects. Over the past six years, we have been involved in the replacement of the pergola, the repair of ceiling cracks in the fiction rooms, and a four-year-long masonry repair project. We have investigated everything from bird deterrence methods to EV charging stations.

From Left to Right: Dan Weigman, Carrie Simon, Larry Panciera, Pat Lockyear, Stan Burns, Craig Hansen, Ryan Mathre (past trustee – term ended 12/31/2023), Paula Hemer, Library Director Mark Troendle, Sharon Hollatz (past trustee – term ended 12/31/2023), City Council Liaison Ryan Collins

In addition to the committee work, I have had the opportunity to work on a strategic plan update, a new board evaluation process, development of committee charters, and updating of the board by-laws and library policies. I’ve also been fortunate to be included in the revamping of the director evaluation process and sit in on labor negotiations. All eye opening work and new experiences.

One of the most exciting activities I’ve been part of is the launching of a collaborative advocacy committee in 2022. The board has implemented a new advocacy plan to increase our efforts to reach out to the community and strengthen support for the library.

Serving as president has included even more unexpected experiences. I’ve delved into open meeting law to ensure full compliance, worked closely with the director to facilitate well organized meetings, made committee assignments, and represented the library at Library Legislative day.

In my six years on the board, I have learned much and enjoyed many opportunities — ones I never dreamed of when I said, ‘Yes, I am willing to serve.’”

- Pat Lockyear, President of the Stillwater Public Library Board of Trustees


Meet Volunteer Dave Dittbenner


Meet Elsbeth Howe, SPLF Executive Director